Friday, December 23, 2011

Imam al-Syafi’i. :)

  ”Sesungguhnya aku mencintai orang soleh, padahal aku bukan daripada kalangan mereka. Harapanku agar aku  mendapat syafaat apabila bersama mereka nanti. Dan aku membenci mereka yang melakukan maksiat walaupun aku sendiri mungkin daripada golongan mereka.” -Imam al-Syafi’i. :)
 Assalamualaikum..huhu... kata-kata imam al Syafi'i ni aku amik kat facebook..huhu..aku ni bukan la alim...kat ic banyak yg aku x tau...masih belajar...sblm ni aku x berminat sgt pn nk mendalami islam..stakat lakukan yg wajib2 je...yg sunat jarang nk setelah macam2 berlaku dalam hidup, barulah aku sedar betapa pentingnya pegangan agama dalam diri kita...skrg ni tiap kali gembira, syukur kepadaNya ucapan pertama...tiap kali sedih, kepadaNya lah aku mengadu terlebih dahulu...ketenangan yg x dapat aku cari kat lain...

Monday, December 19, 2011

menjahit @ memasak ???

Assalamualaikum...olla my dear blog..miss u..huhu
ari ni aku update blog from rumah kawan aku, Salwa...huhu...
ari ni aku dear Amrizal is on vacation with his xmo la aku kacau ye.. 
1 bas family dia rombongan g melancong kat KL n Melaka....huhu...have a safe journey la ekk...
*balik jangan lupa buah tangan for me ye...huhu*
umm, i am thinking of get a job daripada aku duk kat umah sje je kan..
at least dpt la isi poket utk wat enjoy...huhu
enjoy dgn duit sndiri lain drpd enjoy dgn duit mak ayah..huhu
my fren, si Fadli suruh aku masuk kelas jahitan...aku bukan x nak masuk..aku dah try blajar menjahit dgn mak aku tapi x pandai2 jugak..mmg aku xde bakat dalam jahit-menjahit ni..
ye cakap lagi kat aku, xde bakat xpe asalkn de minat...aku dah try..huhu
tp kalau bab memasak, mmg faveret aku..xpayah suruh..lbh2 lg bab2 baking..waaaa~~~
*tetiba plak teringat blog aku yg 1 lg dah lme gile x*
umm, taon 2011 dah nak abis dah...pejam celik, pejam celik, dah tinggal 12 hari je lg nak masuk 2012..
kne start fikir dah pe azam utk taon 2012 ni..azam aku yg first skali, aku nak kawen taon ni..huahuahua
daisy = hidden love
xde la...blaja pom x abis g..cane nk kawen..huhuhu...umm..walau pe pom azam aku n azam korang semua untuk taon 2012n ni,harap2 dipermudahkan Allah SWT utk kita mencapai nya...aminn...
*aku ingat nak tukar header baru la blog aku ni...*
k la..stakat ni dulu aku bleber..*bleber = cakap banyak*

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

tanya sama pokok ???

tanya sama pokok? apa tue? tanya apa???
hihihi..sebenarnya sekarang ni aku tengah angau dengan lagu pokok by MUH ft Hazama..
best kot lagu tu..layan la...mmg x jemu la aku dengar...satu lagi lagu tu best sbb lagu tu memotivasikan aku yang sememangnya sangat2 pemalu zaman sekolah dulu sampai skrg...cuma skrg dh kureng still lg dlm kategori serius,,, lirik lagu tu...
Tersesat malu bertanya
Tak tahu tak tahu ke mana
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Ku terdiam

Menyusur di kaki lima
Terlihat bayang wajah kelmarin
Tersentuh hati bagai luruh

Tanya sama pokok apa sebab goyang
Jawab angin yang goncang
Terbang burung terbang
Patah sayap diduga
Seandainya rebah
Kau masih ada

Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam

Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihanTersentuh hati mula luruh

Ulang Chorus

Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada

Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam

Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh
Tanya sama pokok.
best kn? huhu..k lah..dah lewat malam ni..good night...muah3x..hahaha'

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Merdeka Raya

wawawa.. first of all aku nak ucap "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...maaf zahir dan batin sekiranya de salah dan silap samada sengaja atau tidak di sengajakan...."

then, aku jugak nak ucap "Selamat Menyambut Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan yang ke-54"
harap2 negara Malaysia yang tercinta ni sentiasa kekal aman dan makmur...
moga2 sambutan kemerdekaan pada kali ni membuka minda rakyat2 Malaysia agar sentiasa mencintai keamanan serta menolak kehadiran anasir2 yang inginkan perpecahan rakyat2 Malaysia...
Happy 54th Independence Day to all Malaysia....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

mangarut~~~melalut~~~ 2

salam aidilfitri....entry kali ni jugak agak personal...alasannya takut si dia terbaca entry ni..malu deh~~~~

semalam bagaikan mimpi kat aku...
dia cakap, makin hari dia makin suka kat aku...hihi... aku hepy~~~ ^_^
moga2 aku de jodoh dgn dia..haha,,gatai plak noh aku ni...
well, bkn senang aku nk jatuh cinta kat org...
dah la aku ni jenis x reti sgt nk berkawan dgn bdk2 laki nih...huhu
ye jugak tnye aku semlm nk x jd 'gewe' dio??.aku tersenyum lebar..aku x terkata apa2 coz aku bahagia sbnrnya~~~
bodohnya aku..macam la dia boleh nmpk aku senyum...kami ckp kat fon je pn...
lain la kalu wat video call ke..blh la ye nmpk aku senyum kegembiraan...
x pela..kalu de jodoh x kan kemana kan3?
i think i love u too,L..hahahahahahaha
L,walaupun aku x bgtau ko aku jugak suka kat ko tp aku harap ko akan faham perasaan aku ni...
aku malulah nak bgtau kat ko...
aku takut nanti aku kehilangan ko..
sbb x-gf ko lg lawa kot dr aku...

Thursday, August 25, 2011


actually aku sengaja pilih font ni and warna macam ni sebabnya biar org x berminat utk membaca entry ni..
maaf ye semua...
semua ni punya alasan personal...
tiba2 dalam kepala aku ni terngiang2 plak lagu I Think I Love You dalam cite Full House tu..huhu
itulah yang terjadi kat aku skrg ni...
aku rasa aku da jatuh cinta buat kali kedua!!!!
selepas kisah cinta aku dgn Fais,aku ingat aku x kan rasa lagi bahagia seperti tu..
rupa2nya aku silap....akhir2 ni perasaan tu datang kembali walaupun bkn kepada Fais...
nak sebut nama dia aku takut..buatnya dia terjumpa blog  ni & baca entry ni, mati aku~~~
huhu...i think i fall in love with him...umm,aku namakan dia L...hehe...
mungkin dia hanya anggap aku sbgi kawan...tapi perhatian yg dia selalu bagi kat aku menjadikan aku jatuh cinta tanpa aku sedari terhadap dia...
aku mula menyayangi dia..
aku tenang setiap kali dengar suara dia...
aku excited tiap kali terima mesej dr dia..
aku sanggup korbankan rasa mengantuk aku semata2 utk temani dia sblm dia tido...
Ya Allah, aku xnk kehilangan dia...walaupun aku x berjodoh dgn dia,tp aku harap kami selamanya begini...
kalau dia ditakdirkan untuk aku, maka akulah wanita yg paling bahagia..
tp kalau aku x ditakdirkan utk aku, aku redha asalkan hubungan persahabatan kami kekal begini...
L, syah betul2 bahagia....andai la L juga merasai yg sama~~~waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~~
yg pasti syah x kn pernah berani luahkan kat L sbb syah x nk kehilangan L...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ramadhan Kembali ^_^




walaupun agak terlewat tapi rasanya boleh lagi aku ucapkan :-
* selamat bersahur
*selamat berpuasa
*selamat berbuka
*selamat bertarawikh....
senyum selalu...tingkatkan amal di bulan puasa ni tau...

Monday, July 25, 2011


actually,aku x blh nak tido...
macam2 benda yg tgh aku fikir....
pe nk jadi dgn masa depan aku???
aku buntu la....
kesimpulannya, aku masih belum boleh wat keputusan utk diri aku sendiri...
kenapa aku macam ni???
ya Allah.....
aku sedih dgn diri aku...
tapi apa yang perlu aku buat???
aku x tau nak kongsi dengan sape...
parents aku, bila kau mintak pandangan selalu je diorg cakap fikirla yang terbaik utk diri sendiri....
aku dapat kos yg xde kena mengena langsung kot dgn pe yg aku belajar....
salah satu faktornya ialah pointer aku jatuh time final exam...ya Allah...aku dah cuba yg terbaik utk final exam..tapi kenapa? kenapa masih lg jatuh result aku???
aku study gle2 kot fizik sampai aku boleh jawab je kalu org tanya, tp kenapa fizik jugak yg aku x score...kat mana salah aku???
kimia, aku x minat langsung,study pn mcm x study...siap tgk drama korea lg time exam kimia tp knp kimia jugak yg tetap maintain...?????
ya Allah....wat masa sekarang ni,air mata aku x pernah nk kering...aku duk fikir mana silap aku n macam mana aku nak perbetulkan silap aku ni???? aku betul2 sedih bila kawan2 
mention diorg dpt kos yg aku???
aku selalu pujuk hati aku, rezeki aku kat lain...
i need a shoulder to cry on...utk aku lepaskan pe yg terbuku kat ati aku ni...utk kongsi perasaan aku dlm waktu2 macam
ni...utk aku mintak ever fren...ko sorg je yg betul3 aku boleh kita dah susah nak berhubung...salah satu sebabnya jarak antara kita...walaupn de fon tp disbbkan aku yg xreti nak bercerita dalam fon...kalaulah aku boleh terbang, aku pegi kat ko n talk 2 u...ema,tlgla bg kekuatan kat diri aku ni...  =(

Friday, July 8, 2011


umm...don noe y suddenly i feel like i wan to write about my family...hahahahaha...
dis is not full story about my family..just a bit..huhuhu
actually, i have 7 siblings including the 4th...
the 1st one is my sis..we call her 'kak long'...
the 2nd and 3rd also my sis....but we (except my parents n kak long) never meet them..because they died when their age r 1++ year...
the 4th one is ME!!! hahaha.... they just call me 'kakak; or sometime they call me 'ecah'...
the 5th one is my bro...haha...the only guy in my siblings....we call him 'abang'....the reason y we call him 'abang' is because of dat la..the only guy in my siblings..huhu...sometimes, people thought that he is older than me because he is taller than me and he is more matured compare to me which is more childish...
the 6th one, my sis, we call her 'iqah' because her name is shafiqah...
and the last one is 'adik'...of course we call her adik coz she is the youngest..

hahahaha..nothing much.....actually now im waiting to watch fast and furious 5...still loading..huhu..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

pisang berbuah dua kali...

Banyak kali kn kite dgr perumpamaan ni...
x sangka akhirnya aku blh kaitkan dgn satu peristiwa yg terjadi pada aku hari ni...
peristiwa ni terjadi for second time in my life..
xde la sebijik kejadian tu tp hal yg sama n keadaannya pn lbh kurang sama...
please la..aku x ske org especially seorang kawan x jujur dgn aku...
until today, only 1 person who really2 being honest wit me...
macam post aku sebelum ni..tu la makna kawan bg aku...
KEJUJURAN tu yg paling penting bkn saja dalam persahabatan tp dalam life jugak..
every second of our life, we need to be honest..sekurang2nya kpd diri kita sendiri..
in my life second chance is limited..hahaha...
aku mudah memaafkan, x mudah ambik ati tp sekali aku terguris.............................................
hanya yg mengalaminya tau....huhuhu
kn "hubby" ??? 

Monday, July 4, 2011


  ...السلام عليكم  
alhamdulillah aku da siap update n makeover ckit2 blog ni...
baru belajar la ktekn..huhu
agak lama jgk aku x amik tau sal blog ni...huhu
a bit bz kat umah...
oleh kerana keboringan yg melampau kat umah, aku da start menjinak2kn diri do something yg x pena aku wat sblm ni...nak tau pe???ha...aku bela ank ayam..hahaha..yg lg best aku da x geli tgk cacing (tp x blh pegang lg la) sbb everyday duk bg si ank ayam tu makan cacing...kadang best jugak spent time dgn animals coz ble kita ckp something, dia macam faham je n ikut je pe yg kita suruh...puas n gembira bila tgk dia makan....ank ayam pn mcm manusia..berbeza ragam...aku de 8 ekor ank ayam, n dlm masa yg singkat je aku da blh bezakan ank2 ayam tu walaupun bulu diorg     sama...perangai diorg mewarnakan hidup aku yg boring kat umah
tp kesepian tetap mengunjungi aku bila malam...
malam2 aku keseorangan...lappy ni la jd teman aku...

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ya Allah
 jika aku jatuh cinta,
biarlah aku cinta pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMU,
agar bertambah kekuatan untuk menyintaiMU.
Ya Muhaimin,
jika aku jatuh cinta,
izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMU agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam curang cinta nafsu.
Ya Rabbana,
jika aku jatuh cinta 
jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling dariMU.
YA Rabbul Izzati,
jika aku rindu,
rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalanMU.
Ya Allah
 jika aku menikmati cinta kekasihMU
janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirMU.
Ya Allah 
jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasihMu
jangan biar aku tertatih dan terjatuh dalam perjalanan menyeru manusia kepadaMU.
Ya Allah
 jika aku jatuh hati kepada seseorang 
biarlah seseorang itu menyintai dan menyayangi AgamaMU dengan penuh keikhlas hatinya.
Ya Rabbul Izzati 
jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasihMU,
bimbingkanlah daku kejalanMU yang menuju ke syurga......

Monday, March 7, 2011

kakak aku dah nak kawin 11.3.2011 ni..huhuhuhu
pe yg aku nk bg?????
duk survey lg nih..
somebody help me!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

hahahaha..saje menggatai..huhuhu

hello my lovely blog!!!
hahaha today i just wanna upload my ict assignment..huhuhu
my first 3D video..
i use blender software...
umm....simple animation....
chess board!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

quotes for sister...

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.  ~Amy Li

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.  ~Marion C. Garretty

Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister.  ~Alice Walker

Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.  ~Charles M. Schulz

If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.  ~Linda Sunshine

You can kid the world.  But not your sister.  ~Charlotte Gray

I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness.  ~Emily Dickinson

Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood.  ~Louisa May Alcott

Sisters never quite forgive each other for what happened when they were five.  ~Pam Brown

In thee my soul shall own combined the sister and the friend.  ~Catherine Killigrew

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.  ~Vietnamese Proverb

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.  ~Toni Morrison

Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply...  ~Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, 1814

What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it?  ~Jenny DeVries

Sisters is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.  ~Margaret Mead

Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister.  ~Katherine Mansfield

A sister smiles when one tells one's stories - for she knows where the decoration has been added.  ~Chris Montaigne

More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you've been bad and good.  ~Linda Sunshine

If sisters were free to express how they really feel, parents would hear this:  "Give me all the attention and all the toys and send Rebecca to live with Grandma."  ~Linda Sunshine

My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time.  ~Linda Sunshine

I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends.  ~James Boswell

How do people make it through life without a sister?  ~Sara Corpening

If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she's wearing your best sweater.  ~Pam Brown

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.  ~Author Unknown

There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me.  ~Mary Montagu

I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.  ~Author unknown, attributed to a 4-year-old named Lauren

In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips.  ~Author Unknown

When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?  ~Pam Brown

The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble.  ~Clara Ortega

A sister is a forever friend.  ~Author Unknown

I know some sisters who only see each other on Mother's Day and some who will never speak again.  But most are like my sister and me... linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best.  ~Patricia Volk

Sisterly love is, of all sentiments, the most abstract.  Nature does not grant it any functions.  ~Ugo Betti

Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.  ~Carol Saline

Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

When mom and dad don't understand, a sister always will.  ~Author Unknown

Elder sisters never can do younger ones justice!  ~Charlotte M. Yonge

A toast once heard:  "To my big sister, who never found her second Easter egg until I'd found my first."  ~Robert Brault,

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.  ~Isadora James

To the outside world we all grow old.  But not to brothers and sisters.  We know each other as we always were.  We know each other's hearts.  We share private family jokes.  We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys.  We live outside the touch of time.  ~Clara Ortega

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.  ~Cali Rae Turner

An older sister helps one remain half child, half woman.  ~Author Unknown

An older sister is a friend and defender - a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights.  And sorrows too.  ~Pam Brown

There is no better friend than a sister.  And there is no better sister than you.  ~Author Unknown

Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.  ~Susan Scarf Merrell

I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers.  It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage.  Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.  ~Maya Angelou

A sibling may be the keeper of one's identity, the only person with the keys to one's unfettered, more fundamental self.  ~Marian Sandmaier

Our roots say we're sisters, our hearts say we're friends.  ~Author Unknown

Our siblings push buttons that cast us in roles we felt sure we had let go of long ago - the baby, the peacekeeper, the caretaker, the avoider.... It doesn't seem to matter how much time has elapsed or how far we've traveled.  ~Jane Mersky Leder

Our siblings.  They resemble us just enough to make all their differences confusing, and no matter what we choose to make of this, we are cast in relation to them our whole lives long.  ~Susan Scarf Merrell

Sibling relationships - and 80 percent of Americans have at least one - outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship.  They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust.  ~Erica E. Goode, "The Secret World of Siblings," U.S. News & World Report, 10 January 1994

Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way.  ~Pamela Dugdale

Sisters share the scent and smells - the feel of a common childhood.  ~Pam Brown

A sister shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.  ~Author Unknown

Sisters annoy, interfere, criticize.  Indulge in monumental sulks, in huffs, in snide remarks.  Borrow.  Break.  Monopolize the bathroom.  Are always underfoot.  But if catastrophe should strike, sisters are there.  Defending you against all comers.  ~Pam Brown

Between sisters, often, the child's cry never dies down.  "Never leave me," it says; "do not abandon me."  ~Louise Bernikow

It was nice growing up with someone like you - someone to lean on, someone to count on... someone to tell on!  ~Author Unknown

Sisterhood is powerful.  ~Robin Morgan

Sisters don't need words.  They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks - expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief.  Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs - that can undermine any tale you're telling.  ~Pam Brown

One of the best things about being an adult is the realization that you can share with your sister and still have plenty for yourself.  ~Betsy Cohen

We know one another's faults, virtues, catastrophes, mortifications, triumphs, rivalries, desires, and how long we can each hang by our hands to a bar.  We have been banded together under pack codes and tribal laws.  ~Rose Macaulay

Sisters may share the same mother and father but appear to come from different families.  ~Author Unknown

Sister to sister we will always be,
A couple of nuts off the family tree.
~Author Unknown

We acquire friends and we make enemies, but our sisters come with the territory.  ~Evelyn Loeb

Sisters are blossoms in the garden of life.  ~Author Unknown

We may look old and wise to the outside world.  But to each other, we are still in junior school.  ~Charlotte Gray

Whatever you do they will love you; even if they don't love you they are connected to you till you die.  You can be boring and tedious with sisters, whereas you have to put on a good face with friends.  ~Deborah Moggach

You keep your past by having sisters.  As you get older, they're the only ones who don't get bored if you talk about your memories.  ~Deborah Moggach

It's hard to be responsible, adult and sensible all the time.  How good it is to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own.  ~Pam Brown

Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.  ~Louise Glück

She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities.  She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway.  She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark.  She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink.  Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.  ~Barbara Alpert

Thursday, February 10, 2011

what is a friend?

When we talk about friendship, words like loyalty and trust come to mind.
is people who stick with us through thick and thin.
The ones who see us at our very worst and don't think about us any differently.
They know how to make us laugh and what to do when we cry.

Monday, January 31, 2011

just wanna upload my ICT assignment....
which is gimp assignment...
my first poster..hahahaha....
the title is college lifestyle@KMPP....
i've try my best..
hope you can comment on my work to make it better. >_<

Saturday, January 1, 2011

untuk diriku..... =.=

cinta manusia itu memang indah...
tidak kurang juga penuh dosa..
zina hati itu fitrah,tp...
sejauh manakah kefitrahan itu boleh membawa kita
lebih dekat kepada ALLAH s.w.t???

melepaskan yang indah itu memang sakit,
sakit itulah tarbiah dari Allah..
sakit itulah seruan dan panggilannya...
menanti dan merayu padaNYA..
itulh tanda rindunya pada kita...

Jangan butakan hati ini,Ya Allah..

Dia lah cinta hati kita semua...

Sahabatku......nafsu yang Allah fitrahkan utk manusia
bukan untuk dilayan...
bukan untuk dilawan.....tapi....
untuk dididik..diasuh..sesuai dengan syarak...

Ya Allah, ku pohon ku rayu padaMu...sentuhlah hati sahabatku ini saat dia jauh darimu...
Peliharalah imannya...teguhkan hatinya dalam mencari redhaMu...permudahkanlah segala urusannya demi agamaMu...amin....

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w :
"Jika seorang hamba Allah menahan keinginannya dari suatu yang haram kerana Allah,maka Allah akan memberikan sesuatu yang diingini itu mengikut jalan yang halal."

1.1.11 (01.01.2011) hepy new year !!!

hepy new year
happy bithday to my lovely mom..
i love u so much...
may all ur dream for this year come true...
tggu kak balik ye,ma......
nanti kak masak special utk ma...
dats ol for my lovely mom...
luv u....
muacckks... XD